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Are you driving your people Wild or Crazy?

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Are you driving your people wild or are you driving them crazy?

This quiz is based on more than five years of client research -- and we've designed it to give you a brief overview of our program. Once you've completed the quiz, your score will automatically be calculated to determine how you're doing on your "Drive Your People Wild Without Driving Them Crazy" journey.

In order to take complete this, you'll need to enter some brief information about yourself at the bottom of the quiz. We do not sell, rent, give away, or otherwise distribute your personal information to anyone as we respect your privacy. This information is for our personal records only.

Please be brutally honest with your answers as you take this 40-question quiz. All responses are held in the strictest confidence, and no one will read your answers unless you give them out.

Simply check YES or NO to each statement. Yes means this statement is true for you right now and No means the statement is not true for you. If you're undecided, select the answer that's the closest indicator to how you behave.

1.You'll often hear me say: "This is the world of the Internet. We don't have time to wait."
2.Chaos rules our organization. We all feel as if we're running around with too much to do.
3.My people fight their own battles. I'm here to guide them, not defend them.
4.My department is understaffed, but I haven't reduced the workload or the goals. We'll have to keep our nose to the grindstone to get done what we need to get done.
5.I sometimes secretly wish I was a dictator, and my team would just follow my orders.
6.I know more than anyone else in my department. Let's keep it that way.
7.I like knowing I can save the day no matter what happens. I often do.
8.I tend to change my mind a lot. Things are constantly changing, and my decisions need to change with them.
9.People have told me I'm inconsistent, that they can't predict how I'm going to react to situations. I think that keeps them alert and on their toes.
10.I often call my staff on nights and weekends.
11.I schedule conference calls with my team before 7 am, after 6 pm and sometimes on weekends.
12.My cell phone is with me at all times – and I answer it no matter what the time of day.
13.I pretend to care about how my employee are, but I really don't. We have too much work to do than spend time socializing.
14.When something needs to get done and my team isn't doing it right, I often jump in and handle the situation.
15.I can't tell you what inspires each member of my team to perform at the highest level. We have work to do. There's no time for these touchy-feely exercises.
16.I'm a firm believer if only my staff would learn how to better manage their time, they would get a lot more done.
17.I can't remember the last time I worked a 40-hour work week.
18.My people can't either.
19.My team spends 80% of their time in meetings.
20.I rarely work from home. I need to be in the office to handle crises.
21.You'd never find me siting down with my staff every week (or every two weeks) to review what they're working on and how to prioritize what's most important. There's no time for that.
22.I have an open door policy so I never shut my door. People are coming in and out of my office all day long.
23.We work at a very intense pace in my company, and it's rare we give ourselves time to rest.
24.Everything is a priority. And most of it has to be done right now.
25.Many times I feel like a firefighter. I tend to rush around putting out fires all day long.
26.My people don't really have the resources they need to get the job done. We're lean and mean around here.
27.I'd love to slow things down, but our investors, shareholders and/or CEO won't allow it.
28.I don't know what every person on my team is gifted at in their work. Getting results, that's what matters.
29. I'm good at a lot of things, but not a master at much.
30.I sometimes wonder why I'm doing this job. Why aren't I more jazzed by more work?
31.My people seem to have a balanced set of skills. I don't understand why we're not producing better results.
32.I hold back information and only communicate on a need-to-know basis.
33.I communicate with my team primarily by e-mail. It's rare we meet face-to-face.
34.If you ask anyone on my team, they will probably give you a different answer on where we're headed.
35.I get frustrated when I tell my people something once or twice, and they don't do anything about it. Why can't they become better listeners?
36.It's been more than one year since I've been on vacation for longer than a week
37.I often take my laptop home with me.
38.My family tells me I work too much. The problem is I don't see how I can reduce my hours when there's so much to do.
39.Home in time for dinner? Yeah, right.
40.There are times I feel exhausted and tired of it all. And I know my people feel the same way.

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Thanks for taking the time to complete this assessment. Please provide the following information about yourself before submitting your answers. Thanks.

E-mail us at Snail mail us at: PO Box 700424, Plymouth, MI 48170Call us at (734) 254-9970

"Drive Your People Wild Without Driving Them Crazy™" is trademarked, and our philosophy and programs are protected under intellectual property law.