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Frequently-Asked Questions about the Drive Your People Wild Without Driving Them Crazy® Corporate Coaching Program

Okay, so you have a ton of questions on exactly how this program works. Take a few minutes to read through these commonly asked questions, then contact us or call us toll-free at (734) 254-9970.

We interview every potential client to make sure this coaching program is right for your organization, and we won't know that until we learn more about you. Call or e-mail us today.

1. The economy has obviously gone through an interesting shift, and I'm struggling to keep things moving in the right direction.  Why on earth do I need to invest in coaching when I want my team focused on results.

You are absolutely right.  When times are tough, you must focus on the things that will bring in revenue and boost the bottom line.  Drive Your People Wild Without Driving Them Crazy® is not some foo-foo program based on la-la land.  What we do is focus on three key areas:

RESULTS:  how to produce the right results when it matters the most.  What we see is many leaders are focused on the wrong things – or worse, when markets tighten up, they move into dictatorial mode and drive mediocre results from their team.  We focus on helping you and your people produce the right results.

REVITALIZE:  how to inspire employees to perform at high levels no matter what the economy is telling them and despite the layoffs you may be experiencing.  Unless you figure out a way to jazz your team, you'll never reach your goals.  We'll help you do that.

REALITY:  how to make it home in time for dinner without sacrificing company results.  Yes, the ol' life balance question.  This program is never about giving up bottom line results in order to get a life. It's about changing how you lead so you get everything you want.

You won't get pie-in-the-sky ideas with us.  We teach you how to produce the right results and revitalize your work force without giving up your life.  You need us as you go through trying times.

2.What level in the organization is your program appropriate for?

Drive Your People Wild Without Driving Them Crazy® was originally designed as an executive leadership coaching program. We believe that in order to create change in an organization, the best place to start is at the top. The truth is most leaders are the ones who are getting in the way of better results, and until we coach the executive team to shift how they lead, nothing will change.

With that said, we've worked with many organizations at all levels. Many times we go in and prototype this program with a business unit or department head before rolling it out company-wide. Other times we'll start with a team leader and his or her team to show how powerful this program is. We've even started the process by working with just one leader within the organization to give that person a taste of how we coach. If you're in any type of management position, our coaching methodology will help you get better results.

We also realized that unless we created a program to work with the employees, we were asking leaders to take on even more work as they tried to integrate this philosophy with their teams. Our clients told us they needed help explaining and teaching their employees how to produce the right results. Drive Your People Wild Without Driving Them Crazy® has two components: RESULTS for Leaders and RESULTS for Employees. We start with the leaders then move to the employee base when it's the right time.

3. How exactly does the Drive Your People Wild Without Driving Them Crazy® program work?

What makes our program unique is we combine our proven coaching methodology with a consistent leadership program. And we customize everything to fit your managers and your company culture.

Every program includes:

* A comprehensive needs assessment and survey to determine where your leaders are beginning in relation to our innovative 7-step process. We give you an extensive report identifying group and individual behaviors before we begin this program and after it's completed. You'll see in black and white how much progress your leadership team has made.

* Group training to reinforce key concepts in the Drive Your People Wild Without Driving Them Crazy®. This group element allows all your managers to support each other in their behavior changes and to brainstorm new ways of running the organization.

* Individual or small group coaching for each participant . This intense coaching between each individual and the coach adds a depth and consistency that other programs simply won't give you. It's one thing to learn our 7-step process. It's quite another to live the concepts. And individual coaching guarantees your managers will apply our methodology to get better results. Training will change what your leaders knows, but it won't change WHAT THEY DO. Only coaching (using our RESULTS Model as a guide) will get you the real, sustainable results.

* Fieldwork and reading assignments in between the training and coaching sessions. We combine worksheets, books, audioseries and web-based materials to support your leaders in this learning. Your leaders are adults, and we want them to learn in a very high-level, easy-to-understand way.

* User-group conferences of all our Drive Your People Wild Without Driving Them Crazy® clients. These events - done live and virtually - are a great way to learn from other leaders and strategize on more ways to inspire your people, get better results and still make it home in time for dinner.

* Events to allow your leaders to celebrate in their successes.

* And a coaching team that is the best you'll find anywhere in the world.

Again, we customize this program to fit your company culture and your budget. Get in touch with us and let's start a dialogue on whether or not this coaching system is right for you.

And if you're interested in having us train your human resources folks on our methodology, you may want to look at our Coach Training Programs. This allows you to use our program as much as you want without having to bring in outside coaches. Click here to learn more.

4. Who developed this idea? And why?

A few years ago, Jennifer White started promoting her now best-selling book, "Work Less, Make More: Stop Working So Hard and Create The Life You Really Want!" It's an extremely popular book that helps you have the time and money to make more of your life. At that time, she and her coaching team were working with individuals on how to break their obsession with work, and Jennifer decided to put her philosophy into a book. (If you're interested in learning more, please visit our Work Less, Make More® web site.

Something interesting happened along the way. Every single time Jennifer and her coaches spoke about Work Less, Make More® or worked with people to achieve this goal, someone always said, "Hey, can you teach my employees to do the same thing?" or "What would it take to bring this program into my company?" But they all said, "Can we call it something besides Work Less, Make More®? I'm not sure that's the message I want to send to my team." They had this illusion that we were going to teach their staff how to sit back and eat bon bons all day long.

So Jennifer did the next best thing. She started experimenting with my clients to figure out a way to bring the Work Less, Make More® philosophy into their organizations. She uncovered the hundreds of things leaders do that actually stops progress, the stuff we all do that prevents our employees from being amazing. She saw what employees were doing that blocked their own performance, and she was driven to find the answer. Drive Your People Wild Without Driving Them Crazy® was born.

She's been field-testing this concept for five years, and with her new book on the same topic hitting bookshelves this summer, you know how the opportunity to bring this powerful methodology into your organization..

5. Are you just going to show up, motivate my people and leave? I don't need a shot in the arm. I need results. How can you facilitate what I need?

Our Certified RESULTS Coaches won't just show up and help you identify your problems. Our job as your coaching team is to ensure you and your team follow through with the goals you set. That means week after week, we're with you to keep your entire group on track. You'll never see us deliver this entire program over one or two days. No, Drive Your People Wild Without Driving Them Crazy® is designed to be a comprehensive, long-term coaching system. Our clients typically work with our coaches for a minimum of nine months. Maybe more depending on how much coaching work your leaders need.

Distraction is the real enemy of positive change... but our professionals will help you engage your enemy and overcome it. Again, this is an area where our unique combination of group training, individual coaching and consistent support materials can reap enormous benefits for your company.

6. I've invested in these types of programs before. How is this one different?

We know there are a ton of leadership programs out there. Here are four main reasons our program is different.

1.1. We're focused on real-world strategies that work.

This program was born in the New Economy, and we've looked at what it takes to be a successful leader in this new world (which is a heck of a lot different than the old way of working). Our program was designed to be cutting-edge and innovative. We're not rehashing the old stuff or even telling you what it takes to be a strong leader. You already know that. What we focus on is making sure you BECOME a New Economy leader. We coach you to CHANGE your behaviors over the long haul.

2. We combine training, consulting and coaching to get the job done.

No other program out there integrates the best from all three areas to inspire your leaders to reach new performance levels. It's one thing to learn something different. It's quite another to use it. And our program gets you the real results you want and need by combining the best of all three worlds.

3. Our innovative 7-step process is proven, documented -- and it works.

Many other organizations have great programs that don't produce real results. Our coaching program does. Just ta ke a look at what we know your leaders must focus on to reach their goals amidst a constantly changing marketplace. One of our clients said it best: "This is exactly what I needed. Your coaching is based on real world stuff. It's not full of fluff and wouldn't-it-be-nice strategies. You're gone to the heart of the matter and created strategies I can use right now to achieve what I want. I've never seen anything like it."

4. We have the best coaches on our team.

Many people are calling themselves coaches when they're really consultants or trainers. What makes us superior in the marketplace is a winning combination of what matters to you and your company:

* You won't find us in your office on a Monday and then never see or hear from us again after Tuesday. We work with our leaders from start to finish in achieving the results they're after. We're not finished until you are.

* Our coaches are professionally trained and accredited with professional designations from places like the International Coach Federation (ICF), the world's leading coaching professional organization. Just as important, they all possess an enormous depth of experience working inside and outside organizations. Our average coach is 48 years old and has 15+ years working in companies like yours. You won't find too many young wanna-bes on our team.

Each coach also goes through an extensive application and interview process before they become a part of our external coaching team. In 2000, only 35% of all the coaches who applied to our program were accepted to our training program.

* We also train internal coaches and HR professionals in our coaching technology if you want someone on the inside supporting this process. You can learn more about our Coach Training Program by clicking here.

7. How long have you been using this coaching program with your clients? What results have other clients achieved?

We've been using this corporate coaching program with our executive clients for almost five years under our Work Less, Make More® trademark. Because of the feedback we received, we changed the name to Drive Your People Wild Without Driving Them Crazy® in 2000 and dramatically upgraded the program for our coaches and our clients. We've taken what we've learned during the last five years and produced an entire package our clients told us they wanted. If you want to continue to succeed, you must continually upgrade and evolve. And that's what we've done this year.

Read more about the successes our clients have achieved with us.

8. There's a lot of talk in my company about things needing to change. How can I be sure this isn't going to be just one more thing on the To-Do list? Or worse, the flavor of the month?

That's a great question. We've said it before, but it's worth repeating: We work with our leaders from start to finish in achieving the results they're after. We're not finished until you are. You 'll never see us in your office on a Monday and then fail to see or hear from us again after Tuesday. And that goes for the internal coaches who are trained in our methodology.

Many consultants and trainers work with you to create a great vision, but things fall apart because you're responsible for implementation. With all the things on your plate, it's hard to add anything new. What makes us different is we're coaches. Our expertise is driving the change process. We work with you from the very beginning and through the implementation stage until you get the results you want. Yes, you'll still need to do the work to get better results, but we're there kicking you in the butt, holding your hand, guiding you and ensuring that what you want to get done does. Remember: training will change what you know. Only coaching will change your behavior and how you lead.

In addition, a huge part of this program is coaching you how to focus on the things that truly matter and how to say no to the things that don't. We will help you clean off the plate, so you and your team make the changes that are necessary to compete in today's marketplace. Not only do we create a powerful system of accountability, but we help you get rid of the things that in the past held you and your company back. It's the CONSISTENCY OVER TIME that makes this program work.

Remember: we go in and coach leaders to create fundamental lasting changes over time. Yes, you will get quick results with this program, and over time, your leaders will create sustainable, lasting behavior changes. If you're looking for a band-aid approach to your leadership development program, this is NOT the program for you.

9. How much am I going to need to invest in this coaching program?

That really depends on the size of your organization, how long we decide you'll need coaching and what we're trying to accomplish. Your investment is also determined by who does the coaching: is it a HR professional we've trained or one of our independent RESULTS Coaches? Someone in your organization will be less expensive, yet often an outside perspective really makes a difference. Again, your investment depends on what's right for you and your company.

To learn about more about certifying your trainers or HR professionals in our program, take a look at our Coach Training Program.

There is a one-time fee of $349 per participant for materials along with whatever fees your RESULTS Coach charges (if you use one). Get in touch with us and let's work with you to create a program to fit your needs.

10. Okay, I'm interested. How do I set up an appointment for one of your RESULTS Coaches to talk to me about my situation?

Simply contact us or call (734) 254-9970. We interview every potential client to make sure this coaching program is right for your organization, and we won't know that until we learn more about you.

Don't delay. Call us at (734) 254-9970 or e-mail us today.

Interested in Learning More?

Learn more by using hte "Hot Links" in the left sidebar. Then contact us to learn how to bring this program into your organization.

Isn't it time to Drive Your People Wild Without Driving Them Crazy®? Call us and let's talk about how we can help you get the right results, retain your talent and still make it home in time for dinner.

Call us toll-free at (734) 254-9970 or email us today. One of our team members will be in touch right away. We'd love to hear from you!

Email us at Snail mail us at: PO Box 700424, Plymouth, MI 48170Call us at (734) 254-9970

"Drive Your People Wild Without Driving Them Crazy®" is trademarked, and our philosophy and programs are protected under intellectual property law.